20 Jun 2013

Dadaist Olivettis...

1950s Olivetti-Underwood Studio 44 483193

Written with the assistance of my new Olivetti-Underwood Studio 44


  1. The Studio 44 really is an odd model -- in its size, shape, feel, and look. I am not in love with it but I do appreciate its quirkiness. (And I think my chromed one looks cool!)

    1. And so interesting how common such an odd typewriter is!
      I did see your chromed one when looking up nonsense about Olivettis.
      I think it would have to look rather well in woodgrain with moss growing on it and a sort of misty atmosphere generator.

  2. I'm having similar feelings about my new Everest. The studio makes me smile because it brought the lettera's best freature - the ribbed panel - out from the back to the front where the user can see it. It doesn't quite have the design rigour applied to it as the 22 and the 32, but it still looks beautiful.

    1. I thought Everests might be that way...I wonder what it is about these Italian typewriters.

      Having the ribbed panel in the back, though, so everybody else can see it; kind of like the only Apple logo is on the back of the device! Apple just keeps stealing away, haha.

      I like how looking into strong light there is a silhouette of an Apple on your screen...
