19 Feb 2014

Torpedo 20 vs Remington Travel-Riter

1952 Torpedo 20 610490

195X Remington Travel-Riter TR 629 703

Notice how the Torpedo logo on the outside of the case is nicer than on the paper table. XD

The Torpedo comes out as the clear winner for speed and touch, though the Remington has a nicer carriage return and more convenient functions. The Torpedo's case is a lot nicer, too. When I say I prefer Remingtons least of American typewriters, I mean post-war Remingtons. I'm quite fond of their earlier designs.


  1. Wish my "Remington Senior-Riter" was a "Torpedo" (even though I'm told it is) "Torpedo" is a much cooler name.

    1. Yeah, when I first saw yours I thought it was cool because it was something unique and rare, but really, "Senior-Riter" is about the least cool name possible for such a cool typewriter.

  2. Glad you have swung around to the Travel-Riter. You might enjoy the movie The Quiet American, whose central protagonist uses one.

    But it's a jolly good film anyway, matching Graham Greene's novel. Few movies about journalists are good; this one is.

    1. To be clear, I'm referring to the Michael Caine version. I believe there was an earlier version, which I haven't seen.

  3. Nice comparison. I think if I had a choice of only one I would choose a Torpedo over a Remington.

  4. I have to say, I'm more inclined to the Torpedo on the looks department.

  5. These both look good though in my opinion that grey paint does not do them justice. I saw pictures of that T-R in silver metallic and it looked brilliant to me.

    1. They built a Quiet-Riter in Great Britain, actually, that had similar metallic paint. It was the only reason I bought the one I owned, though I no longer have it.

  6. Oh, wow, it never dawned on me that the Travel-Riter and Torpedo 20 are the same design! I'll have to compare mine. Here is my post on the Torpedo 20 if anyone's interested.

    I am not at all sure that, as you say, all the Torpedo portables are Remington designs. Didn't they have one or two going before the Remington takeover?

    1. There's actually a Travel-Riter with the exact same body style as the Torpedo 20 just added to the typewriter database. The only difference I see is the paint, the name, and they keytops.

      According to Mr Messenger's post, they originated after 1931: http://oztypewriter.blogspot.com/2012/02/torpedo-typewriters.html I've just gone by that information.

  7. This is really strange. For a while now, I've been paying attention to the Torpedo since I like the design while completely ignoring the Travel Riter which does nothing to me. And now you tell me they're actually the same. I think the devil is in the details; the Torpedo's branding placement and color scheme are better thought out. And yes, "Torpedo" sounds cooler than "Travel Riter."

    Great noticing, Nick!

    1. It's abosolutely valid. The Torpedo looks better and types better. ;)
