5 Mar 2014

Making the most of the Triumph/Adler

I fear this isn't quite as useful as the BBC's excellent program Making the Most of the Micro, though.

I've created a new header, change the blue to orange, and also officially made the title all with small letters. I've been getting more and more spam comments that I've had to filter out, so I may have to start using captchas but I'm going to hold out against doing so as long as I can.

[EDIT] I have changed the settings to only accept comments from non-anonymous users.

Sent from my Triumph Norm


  1. Oil. Good idea. I never gave that a thought even though as I read your post I remembered restoring old bakelite radios as a teenager with oil.

    The first thing I do with all my carriage shift machines is adjust the shift to what I like, very light and easy. I've gone as far as changing springs too. Fairly easy. I get springs from McMaster-Carr if I can't find what I want in my Harbor Freight assortment.

  2. Thanks for the tips. Now all I need is one or two of those typewriters you mentioned. The header's looking great.

  3. Your helpful post is very timely. Last night I set up an SM5, inserted a sheet of letterhead paper, and typed today's date, hoping to encourage myself to write a letter before getting sidetracked into other chores. I wass struck by the heavy feel of the carriage shift. Rather than think of a way to improve it, though, I just thought it felt heavy because I'd been used to using some basket-shift machines. Thanks to your post I can probably ease up that shift a bit.

    1. I'm not sure if you can actually adjust the shift on the SM2 or SM5, due to the different designs. I know it works on the 3, 4, and 7, though.

  4. Thanks for the tips!

    I'm guessing that your new machine is an Everest.

    I found that when I disallowed anonymous comments on my blog, my proportion of spam got very low.

    1. Thanks for the tip. :) I didn't even check to see if that was an option, actually. XD

  5. If it is the Everest, congratulations! I didn't bid on it because a friend already had placed an offer. In the end, it went somewhere else...

    1. It's not quite what you're thinking of. :)

  6. Well the only typewriter I have with a bulging backside like that is a K2 but it would need an awfully special set of slugs to make so desirable and therefore expensive. And the there's the "dead fish" issue (which I just can't find) so I'm probably barking up the wrong mountain. Now I'm curious,

  7. Thanks for this, very helpful.

  8. Hi, I have a Triumph Tippa typewriter, and somehow the space key got stuck. The roll won't move anymore, I can't type a space anymore and all the letters will just come out in the same place because the woll won't move. I hope you understand what I mean, English is not my first language. Do you have any tips for me maybe?

    1. Check to see if the carriage lock is engaged. (it should be a small lever on the right or left rear corner, I forget where)
