5 Sept 2013

Adventure Typewriter Search Results! (part 1)

The Adler cleaned up surprisingly well! In fact, it looks like not only did I clean off the gunk, but some of the scuffing went away too. I didn't expect that. All I did was scrub the plastic with an electric toothbrush--first with goo gone, then with dish soap. It did wonders.

But for once you finally see typewriters as I found them. Almost no cleaning has been done for these makeshift photos, aside from the Adler. I didn't have any time to clean them up before the sun completely set, and then I'd just have to wait until the next day to take photos. I'll show the cleaned up typewriters in much better photos when the time comes.

I photographed the typecasts once more instead of scanning them. Out of laziness, I guess. I didn't want to get the scanner out. XD I think the scanner does do a better job in these low-light conditions...

Sent from my new typewriters: Hermes 2000, Adler J5, Smith-Corona Galaxie Twelve, and Smith-Corona Skyriter.


  1. Excellent writeup. I'm still reeling that you almost passed up a Hermes 2000 because of a mark on it...

    1. I'm just really particular that the ribbon cover and adjacent areas visible from the front are as unblemished as possible. XD

  2. Excellent finds, that Skyriter's a peach! (:

    1. Quite. :) They're hard to find in nicer shape!

  3. Wow, that many typewriters in the shops? I'm amazed! I feel lucky if I find only one or two and those are most of the time electric.

    1. In some antique malls I must have seen five or six, but rarely bought anything. I guess to you, not only having more typewriters in the shops, but also ones you never see in Europe, it would have been quite interesting!

  4. Good hunting! I look forward to finding out what the really special find was.

    Typewriter safaris add a whole new dimension to a road trip -- and can even justify the whole trip to begin with.

    1. My special find wasn't *quite* special enough to justify the gas expense, haha. Nothing like a folding Fox portable or anything. XD
