23 Apr 2016

115 typewriters on the move

The move we've been planning for all year has finally arrived. The movers cleared out the house, minus typewriters and other essential items (okay, the typewriters aren't essential but I wouldn't entrust their care to a moving company!)

At W's suggestion, I decided to take advantage of the great empty space of the living room to do a group photo of all 115 of my typewriters. I spent several hours last night arranging them (with his welcome help in carrying them around) and posted an out-of-focus teaser to the Antique Typewriter Collectors group on facebook.

So here they are, all 114 portables and 1 lone standard, laid out for your eyes to feast.

I'll save any grand speeches for my beloved Tacoma for another time.
But, the next time you see me, I'll be in Sacramento.


  1. An awe-inspiring army. Good use of wall-to-wall carpeting. Happy trails to you and W!

  2. Good God! I have to ask, do you find that you have some machines that rarely get used?
    Moving that bunch should be a logistical challenge. Good luck!

    1. I do, but at this point nearly every one of those is still here because of some special reason so it's really hard to figure out which ones I can get rid of! I want to get back down to 100 if possible...

  3. Great photos. I suspect the next post will show the same room with typewriter cases lined up the same way but different order, numbers assigned C1-C114 (as these would have T1-T114) and the game of "match the case" will commence... ;)

    I feel your pain - last year I moved house with my 130 machines.

    1. Unfortunately no such order can be found in that room, it's quite chaotic and I'll have quite an interesting game getting them back together myself. XD

  4. Impressive line-up. More than a few of those are on my wish list.

  5. What a great collection! Looks like an aerial view of new cars on the dealer's lot awaiting buyers.
    Best of success on the move. Typewriters are essential to all of us with the typewriter bug.

  6. I second the aerial view observation. Magnificent corral of writin' irons! :D

  7. Oooooh... Love these photos! Now I too want to play the "spot the wish list" game. It's amazing to see what 100+ looks like. I hope you and all your machines make the move without incident - and that you've got room for them in the new place.

    1. Looking back, it's quite satisfying to see how many machines on my wish list I've been able to find. :)

  8. You happen to be moving from where I grew up (well, Tukwila, but spent a lot of time down in Tacoma) to where I was born (Sac-o'-Tomatoes).

    Good luck with the move and a really nice job of taking a moment for photography. My wife and I really appreciated that. It's great to see so many typers lined up as if ready to head to work or something.

    1. My first impressions are that you're lucky to have grown up there, instead of Sacramento! But I'm keeping an open mind.

  9. Jaw-dropping.
    Hope the 'match-the-case-and-machine' went well. :-)

    Nice variety, colorful!

    1. It was fairly uneventful, I have a pretty good memory about which machine goes into which, the only ones that I have trouble with are the numerous Olympias and Torpedoes.

  10. Very impressive grouping.! Can't wait to see photos from your new home.

    1. I will certainly pick up the camera more once we're settled!

  11. I especially love the two Erikas (a Model S and a Model M?) with their paper rests up, like a pair of overly eager students: "Pick me, pick me!"

    1. Haha, yeah! There are 3 models of Erika with that type of paper rest in my collection, M, 5, nd 8.

  12. Very fun to see them all. Reminds me of the time, back when there were "only" 70 or so, that you took them all on a picnic in the park.

    I looked in vain for a Remington Noiseless. One of my favorites for looks and unique typing experience. But I'm sure it is there - like the mayonnaise or whatever I whine about not finding in the fridge, then my wife reaches over my shoulder and pulls it out from right in front of me. Speaking of unique typing experience, I understand you preference for portables, but you would surely enjoy an Oliver.

  13. There is an incredible typewriter shop (with great prices!):
    Kehlet Typewriter 1926 16th St, Sacramento, CA 95811
