Your task is simple. Identify the exact model of typewriter in that blurry, sicko picture I took. Send me your conclusion via email. belandnick (at) yahoo.com -- Be as specific as you can. I'm looking for manufacturer (uhhh... that's easy), model, and year range. As the year range isn't too easy, I'll be generous on that one. What do you win for your efforts? Your pick of either item shown in the pictures below, shipped cost-free to any location in the continental US. (I wish I could send them overseas but...no way!) First one to email me with a good solid correct answer wins. This is no trick question. Have fun. :)

40 metallic red Dennison Notarial Seals

Lots of Eureka/Litton green Gummed Foil Stars.
I found both of these items (new in package, in quantity) at a 'yard sale' at an old stationery shop, for very cheap! If I feel generous I might give the second person to email me with a good answer their pick as well.
Stationery shop yard sale?! Man, you get all the cool stuff.